Monday, July 13, 2015

Chapter 25 Backstage break

We are backstage after the emotional Balcony scene of Tabio and Chocolate Point play.  There seems to be a problem . . .

Trashio - Hey man, where's the rest of the script?

Tabio: Well, that's all the pages that I found so far!

Dagio - Why didn't you tell us that the play wasn't finished when we started?

Tabio - Well, it's a good start, no?

Trashio - Let's trash this.

Daigo- You would say that wouldn't you.

Tabio- Hey you Street cats, we already took off those itchty costumes, lets just leave the curtain closed and go out and party!

Dagio - You've got to be kidding!  We are the only street cats in a house full of Siamese! Do you know what they are going to do to us if we walk out there in our fur? \

Trashio - yeah, well my costume was really dirty

Daigo,- You are always dirty. Look at you! Why don't you ever clean yourself?!

Trashio - You think that I want to lick this stuff?

Daigo- You do have a point. . .

Trashio.  Well what are we going to do about the missiing pages?

Tabio - ok, I have a plan.  We put the costumes back on, and I'll go back and see if there are any more pages stashed somewhere.

Daigo - Where? In the trash?

Trashio- That's my department.  I'll go.

Daigo,- What and leave me alone?  No way!

Tabio- Ok, well, then we all go.  We won't be long.  Wait!  I know.  We'll invite some of the Siamese to help us!

Daigio- And if they don't?

Tabio - Well its a plan, no?   Yes! I got it!  We'll go ask Detective Catnip Pufftail!  He's famous!

Trashio- Who?

Tabio What?  You haven't heard of him?  He's solved many cases! The Cat of the Baskervilles!
The Scarlet Cat

Daigio- Well if you want.

Tabio. Sure. Let's put on the costumes and we'll be back before they notice we've been gone.


Catch the rest of the blog posts here:

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