Sunday, December 15, 2013

Chapter 9 Snow in Jerusalem

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      What is this white stuff?  It started coming down from the sky a few days ago, and left this cold stuff on the ground.  I don't like water, but I did come out in the rain that came before.  We cats don't mind a little rain, but when it gets to be a flood, I find someplace to hide!
      Yesterday I came
out, and very surprisingly, I was  able to walk on top!  I'm very light so my feet don't sink in.  That's lucky because it is very deep.  All the vroomy things are marooned and can't move! I hope that this goes away soon, but the mice that do come out are very thin, but they are easy to catch! Not such good a meal though.  The trash is covered up and I don't smell anything tasty there. Here's a picture when it was coming down. It looks pretty, but after a while it gets very cold! The sun is starting to come out! Wow, I wonder how long it will take for all this stuff to go away?  And then will it warm up?  I don't know.
      I thought that Israel was supposed to be a warm country?  The sun shining all the time?  And what about Global Warming? This is cold, not warm, what are they talking about?  Maybe it is going to be an Ice Age?   Cold stuff is just not my cup of tea! Cats can't wear boots, I don't care if there is a famous story about Puss in Boots! They just don't make them small enough for a cat. And how would we put them on? Or take off? Ah well. I hope it ends soon! 

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