Monday, February 20, 2017

My favorite pastime, Birdwatching

Since the family closed the porch, this is the closest that I can get to going outside.  I probably should tell you WHY I can't go out.  it was because of what happened the last time I went out.  Do you really want to know?  It is a sad story. (boo Hoo)  Well at least it is for me, Considering how it turned out!

Well it was a rainy day off and on, about a year ago.  Cold like this, say 5 degrees Celsius, but the sun was out.  As soon as the back door opened, I raced out like I always do when the back door opens. 

The father, well, he let me out you see, and I know how to climb  up the wooden pergola very well, it is like walking on the sky! ⭐ 

The day started out nice, but a bit cold, but no matter because I have a nice fur coat.  I had fun playing on the roof, chasing pigeons and generally having a good time, I took a nap in a sunny place. 

Then, the clouds started to rush in and I was on the other side of the building. I took cover from the sudden rain. 

Well it rained for two days. 
I was cold and scared. 

But then I got hungry.  I forgot the way out and I heard a funny sound like a moving room crreeek  creeek 

I found a dry place, and I drank some water from a pond that I found, but I was still hungry. 

but scared. 

I stayed where I was for two days, and then I was REALLY hungry so I started meowing. and MEOWING  and singing and Meowing. 

Finally my family came, they climbed up the elevator service shaft by the ladder and tried to get me to go down. They then brought some FOOD!! YUM 

They tried to catch me, but I was too fast, and to tell you the truth, a bit ok, a lot dirty.  They did this for 3 days, I lost a lot of weight you know, 

Then, the weather cleared up, and I came home.  

So that's why they built this extra room you see me in and why I can't go out anymore.  The neighbors were going to call the municipality, to get me out if I didn't come, I made so much noise. 

So now, the closest I can get to the birds is to watch them out the window.  Meow :(

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Angry Cat - A short short story

    The Angry Cat

By Rachael Orbach

Avishai Cohen was one angry cat.  Everything that happened made him
angry.  The way he woke up in the morning groggy and full of sleep
filled him with anger.  Hiss!!  Hiss!!  I have to sharpen my claws!!

"Why can't I wake up like everybody else?"  he
would say to himself.  After a cold shower (he tortured himself that way, taking showers)  he felt a little better,
that was until he heard the morning news. 

 " More Grad missiles fall on
Sederot" the headline blared out.

 " Why do they have to have a war in
the middle of my work week?" he demanded.

The children didn't want to eat breakfast,  "Eat your breakfast kittens!"
Avishai yelled.

        " Don't yell in the morning," his wife, Fritzi Cohen reminded.
    But Avishai could not listen, and continued being angry.  He left to
go to shul, slamming the door. (This is a Jewish cat family) 

        It was a relief not having him in the apartment for an hour, now
things could get done without all that noise.

      Fritzi needed the car to take a kitten to the veterinarian, so she drove
Avishai to work. His job was in another part of town, he worked as  the post-cat, and was fed up at being barked at by all the dogs in that neighborhood.   Maybe it was because he was the only cat brave enough to do the job, but it bothered him to be barked at all the time. 
  "Move in to the right lane." Avishai directed.
    "No, I need to be in this lane because at the next street, I have to
make a left," his wife countered.
 "Hey, beep that car, he is going to come into your lane!" Avishai pushed.
   "No, I can't beep, I'm going around him and I need my hands on the
steering wheel to drive."
  "But he was in your way! Why didn't you beep him?"
    "It is not up to me to tell him how to drive.  If he is not careful,
he is going to have an accident, but I go around traffic hazards very
carefully." his wife said.
 "Where are you going?" Avishai asked.
"I'm taking you to your work, aren't I" his wife said
  "But I wanted to go the other way!" said Avishai,
 "You asked me to drive, so you don't bother the driver, I had a plan that would take us to your job with the least amount of traffic, and the safest way, without dangerous, busy intersections, so I don't have to make left turns without traffic lights. When you ask someone to drive, you are a passenger, not the driver and you let the driver make the driving decisions.  If the driver gets distracted, mistakes can happen, which can cause accidents." His wife said calmly.
   "Hey! You went through a red light!" yelled Avishai
     "Proves my point, you distracted the driver and I made a mistake.  If you continue to badger me while I am driving, I won't not only drive you but also not get in the car with you at all." Fritzi said.

 With that she parked the car, got out and walked the long way home, swishing her tail to and fro very fast.  This was to help calm herself down.  She also found some nice trees to sharpen her claws more than once. 

 She  would use a taxi to take the child to the doctor.  It just wasn't worth the emotional trouble to drive her husband to work.

Coco and The Glass Cat

 Today my owner brought home a glass cat. The glass cat is not such a nice cat.  She was brought to life by a magician and she is not soft, ...