Thursday, April 2, 2020

Love that CAT April Fool's 2020

Yesterday's steps 3072 What do you want? We can't go out because of Corona.
5:34 am  What's that zz zz nothing to worry about .

7:47am Meow meow  MEOW
Huh, what time is it?  WHAT? ALMOST 8AM?  wow am I late!  OK, alarm cat you were supposed to wake me up at 6:00am! I need to dye my roots!

8:30am. Ok, blonde hair color 9.93 no problem. Here goes!

9:25am after of oh, was supposed to be 20 minutes to leave the hair color on, is now almost an HOUR? I think I played too much Harry Potter Mystery,

Now time to wash out.

10:00am UGGG  My hair turned out RED!  The box said blonde !!!! Oh well, now I match my daughter. AND my MOTHER!

11:00am. What did I do for an HOUR?  Oh, yes, wash the dishes bring in some laundry.

11:30am Taught Biblical Hebrew, Just the thing to get my mind off the red hair, we are in the wonderful story of Cain and Abel, they have just been born. no hatred yet. . .

12:00 Taught flute on-line. Working on Passover songs.  The flute sounds fine, but the piccolo sound doesn't pick up well using What'sapp on the phone...

14:00 Teaching English lit.  Nice story from India.
15:00 Lunch, an omlet.
16:00 Teaching history of Ancient Egypt, Hatsheput.  Now that's a gutsy gal. She wanted to be King, but the people said that they have never had a women ruler before, so she said "So pretend I am a man!"  Feminism first class.

18:00 Now is the time to finish cleaning the fridge, and laundry, dishes. These things just don't end.
18:15 I don't think that the eggs were so up to date. Don't feel good. Ah, it's raining a bit. No matter I'm not going outside anyway because of the corona. What should I do instead?

I want to put music to it. Maybe later.  Ok, now to attack the fridge!

19:22  Ok Fridge is done and now I have perused all the news, nothing new, still can't go out.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Love That Cat! March 31st, 2020

6:50am What is that zzz zzz zzz sound? Oh, the alarm. Time to get up. I have the first lesson at 8:00am,   Why didn't the cat wake me up earlier?  I was counting on that!  Oh, she is still sleeping. Don't wake a sleeping baby or sleeping cat. 

7:15am Oh, more zz zz zz, I guess I will peel my eyes open. 

7:30am, Yikes! I gotta get up! I have lessons that start at 8:00am!  Quick! 

7:45am  Ok, now I am ready, turn on the computer.  What?  Why won't it turn on? 
Oh I have to flip the red switch. 

7 55am, Come on computer boot up faster than that! 

7:59am, Finally!  gotta teach Harry Potter #1 now, and then My Weird School 

8:05am that's done.  Ok, now what. Oh, more cleaning. Laundry  

9:00am Yikes the top of the Fridge! What a mess, ok do that too. 

10:00am When is my next lesson?  Whew, 11:30am. Ok, got time, Let's take in yesterday's laundry. 

11:25am  Power on computer again, get the website up. Now I am ready to teach Hebrew. 

12:07am  Done with that. When is the next lesson? Yeah because of Daylight Savings Time all the China lessons are a half an hour later.  So I start again at 13:30

16:56 Done with those. next lesson is 19:00 Clarinet on Zoom.  What shall I teach?  Gotta go and figure out that now. Then more cleaning.  The steps for today won't be accurate because I had to plug in phone while I was cleaning in the kitchen. Oh well. 

22:53 Well, finished papering the cabinet over the stove and read a book on Wattpad, now I look up and the evening is gone. Best be time to go to bed, new lesson at 8:00 am, Hebrew phrases./  The same student as yesterday and I don't have to prepare anything. 
 1867 steps 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Love That CAT! March 30th 2020

 5:27am  Steps yesterday 804 - On Lockdown in Israel.  

Anti social cat wakes me up. She comes to me and body rubs. What does she want? Ok food. Cat! We just went on daylight savings time! I need my beauty sleep!

 5:34 Am going back to sleep fot an hour... if I can

6:34 cat opens door meows oh. It is light out now. Cold !


Must pray now before I teach
No rain today no matter I am stuck inside because of corona


Hi Cherry, 

I am looking for Annie to start her lesson now

Still no student, sun in my eyes 

Cherry Customer Service 7:35 AM
She is online
Please call her again

I call, and no answer. 
I wait.
Sun still in my eyes. Where are the clouds when you need them? 

I am calling, no answer, maybe she has a problem with her Internet? 
Cherry  Customer service
 7:38 AM
please end the meeting and call again
She is online

Ramona the cat came to do her bath right next to me.

Cherry E-joy 7:43 AM
She is in Classin
oh , {embarrassed}  

I go there and we read the story "Mr. Putter and the Stars

She is a good student and understands the story very well.
But the sun keeps playing hide and see with the clouds and I am blinded by the light again and again.
Maybe I should move my desk again?

Today is Week 3 of the Corona Virus lockdown in Israel.  There are very strict rules here in Israel, so I have only my on-line students now.  Well, I have two music students who agree to have lessons on-line, one flute and one harmonica.   We can't go outside unless to buy food, doctor, or pharmacy.  Stay 2 meters apart from everyone else. 2 people in car only.  Only work from home. 

Well I do that anyway so it is not a problem, except for this Summer Time.  Daylight Savings time. It doesn't save time, just make people get up earlier, and go to be earlier.  The factories are all closed. so why do we do it? Just because. 

9:50 Next lesson at 10:00 got beep from phone.  Stopped Peasach cleaning. Cleaned 5 shelves papered 3.   Next lesson will be a Hebrew lesson.  Maybe Wendy from Taiwan has her book maybe not. I'd better quickly find a cute story in Very easy Hebrew to teach her.  She wants phrases, ok so let's go here:

11:00am  I check my google calendar and see that my next lesson is at 12:30 pm, ok, time for some more cleaning.
Let's get to it!

Taught Wonders book, from the California curriculum ( a while ago I think,) and then Lord of the Rings, California Science,

You are Pericles.  Write a proclamation to the people of the improvements that you want to do for the city. Include at least 3 things that you will do. 

Now I have free time until later today in the evening when I will teach Hebrew.

All this time Ramona is next to me, sleeping in a ball.  I pet her and she doesn't mind.

16:07 Went out to try to get an electric burners for Passover, but the electric shop is now closed, and then called the pet store, they are closed too.  So cat will not have kosher for Passover food, what can I do?

17:18 Went to the supermarket, they have gas burners, but would have to call a tech to put it in, and they are not working.

18:35 Came back home, cleaned a cabinet and then decided to do something about the sun in my eyes in the morning, moved the computer desk around, now won't have a nice background but I hope that I will be able to see the screen without being blinded.  I wonder how many steps I have done so far?

19:01 Turned on computer, Hebrew student will be one minute late. 
19:05 Student is late.

19:06 Student showed up. Write here later

20:00 Student finished her lesson in Hebrew grammar, good job!
20:15 Cooked dinner with my son and then we ate it the three of us stuck in the apartment

21:00 Worked more on the cabinets, now have most of the Milky side cleaned and papered.
22:30 Taught the last lesson of the day, Biblical Hebrew. 

Today's Steps 4672

Monday, March 23, 2020

How to take care of a CAT!

How to take care of a cat. 

Cats are an easy animal to take care of.  

1. Feed your cat, cat food twice a day.  I like to give my cat dry cat food during the week and on Shabbat (Saturday) I give her Fancy Feast. 

2. Make sure that there is fresh water for you cat to drink. 

3. Watch where your cat likes to sleep, and put a soft piece of material there for her (him)

4. Play with your cat with a string, or a toy.  It doesn't have to be from the pet store, but something that you drag on the ground.   Your cat likes to hunt and this is a way to make her to have fun with you. 
Pet your cat!  Your cat likes to be pet when he purrs, or rubs his body next to your legs. Pet your cat between the ears, under the collar, but not on the belly!  You might get scratched by four sets of claws! 

5. Have a place where you cat can hide, or a box that she can call her own. 

6. Cats love to scratch things, so a scratch box is a good idea. 

7 Have a litter box for your cat.  Fill with sand, 
Sift through the  to take the cat's shit out every day or every other day. 

  Good luck with your new cat!  Have fun taking care of your CAT!! 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Prophetmaking - Short Story

Prophetmaking A short story

Can this apply to Cats too?  Of course! Read on!

And the Lord brought all of the prophets together.

Each from his place, each from his time, each from his tribe.

And yea, even of different kinds.

And the Lord brought his prophets from all manners of places in the universe.

From worlds of only water, from worlds of only air, and from worlds of land and air and water.

And the Lord brought his prophets from all times, from peoples who were the children of the very first sun and peoples who lived long after the last sun cast its last light.

Each man, woman and intelligent creature stood in the Lord's presence and was awed.

They knew no sense of time, feeling or place.

For it is holy to be in the present of the Lord.

And the Lord looked over the multitudinous crowd of his holy prophets and was pleased.

And each intelligent creature heard a voice, in his own language they heard the words of the Lord.

And what they heard was that they were each chosen from their own time, place and world to bring a message of the Lord to his each own people.

And then a great chatter broke out among the prophets.

Each had the same thought foremost in his or her mind.

"But Lord", each said, in his own language, I am but a common (Man), (Woman), (Creature), (Being), I am not suited for such a great mission.

I have no ambition for either power or glory, Oh nay, My Lord, Pick another more worthy of this great honor!

And the Lord heard each creature and understood him in every language and knew the individual voice of every prophet.

And the Lord noted the plaintive cry of all his prophets and their great woe.

And the Lord showed the prophets as if on a great screen, the job that he had chosen for each and every one.

And each prophet saw the scene, but saw his own world and heard with his own speech and saw the scenes of his own time.

And the the Lord showed the prophets scenes of goodliness, of kindness and of happiness.

And the Lord gave each prophet time to think.

And then the Lord charged unto each prophet his duty, "Each of you I have chosen for my special duty." said the Lord. "You are my holy prophets, you are  consecrated unto Me, I will send each of you back to his people when that people are ready to hear my words and perform my deeds.

And the Lord gave each prophet the gift to Understand.

And the words to speak with his neighbors.

For the Lord thought that discourse between intelligent beings was good.

And each prophet talked to his neighbor and each said the same thing to each other. "I am but a common (creature), (woman), (man), no smarter nor wiser than others. I do not fully understand my being here, but if I am but given the power to help my people, I would."

And each prophet said his speech with his own words with his own mannerisms, with his whole being.

And the Lord heard each prophet and understood.

And the Lord provided each with his own quarters with accommodations he was used to and let the prophets retire, for each and everyone of them had traveled a distance longer than any could think of.

And each prophet slept soundly, full of dreams.

And they dreamed of familiar faces and happy places.

They dreamed of scenes forgotten and their joy of everyday life.

And they learned through their dreams what they were to do.

When each awoke, they were guided back to the great meeting place.

And the Lord taught each prophet his Teachings.

And each prophet understood, in his own way of seeing the world and his own way of speaking, the words of the Lord. Each species of intelligent creature heard the words differently, but the words were the same.  Each creature believed differently but believed the same belief.

Each had faith differently, but had faith in the Lord.

And each prophet learned the words and ways of the Lord, but learned them differently.

And these different ways of believing became different religions, the beliefs fitting in within each culture and heritage.

And the Lord saw that it was good. For it is in the diversity of opinion that the truth emerges.

And for days upon days the Lord taught his prophet.

And each night each prophet learned more and wished he could be home again.

And each longed to hear the sounds of home; the clanging of air molecules in the sky, which in some worlds is called thunder, the sound of light waves hitting the skin which in this language we call heat, and other mundane sounds of home that one never notices unless deprived of their comfort.

And then one day, a long long time had passed since any of them had seen their homeworlds, the Lord told them that they were ready.

And the soul of each prophet lifted a little with the thoughts of home.

And the Lord cautioned that each would be going back to his world when his people needed him the most.

And each prophet was gladdened by the thought of home.

And the Lord charged his prophets to think deeply about his teachings and to always to think of God.

And each prophet thought deeply and fully of the Lord's words.

And then they hit upon a great Idea - all at once - for great ideas may come to many people at one time and still be completely original.

Each prophet devised rituals that would enable followers to look at a ritual object or perform a ritual practice, and thus be reminded of the Lord.

And thus each prophet now had rules and precepts that he could relate to his people and all would understand.

And so there were as a great many ways of seeing the Lord as there were of remembering the Lord.

For as there are a great many ways of belief, that are a great many ways of worship.

And the Lord saw that it was good.

And he sent back each prophet to his own time, place and world, and he hoped that the universe would be good.

Coco and The Glass Cat

 Today my owner brought home a glass cat. The glass cat is not such a nice cat.  She was brought to life by a magician and she is not soft, ...