Sunday, January 26, 2014

Chapter 12 Life is hard on the streets

Life is hard on the streets, boy, and the other cats don't even care!  I got into a cat fight and well most of the time, I'm pretty good, but I got really hurt this time.  

I can't put my back left leg on the ground, it hurts too much.  That's the problem with having 4 legs, you need all four of them to really jump around and get anywhere. I can jump a bit with only one back leg, but boy does it hurt!    

Oh, here's my favorite blond human!  Here, give me a pet, I really need it. 

Hey cats!  Why don't you help me?  You can't?  Yes, I know, on the streets, it's every cat for himself.  You are all just sitting there having a pow wow without me!  I used to be Alpha Cat! And now I can't even jump up.  

Well, that's the way it goes.  I'm leaving.  You won't have me to scratch around anymore.  I just feel sorry for the humans, I am the only friendly cat in this neighborhood. Hey Blonde,  Don't you want to keep a cat in the house?  Well on second paw, I really like my freedom outdoors.  

Cat ya later. Maybe, 
Tab the Tablet computer cat.  

Don't wait up for me, I'll probably not be back anytime soon! 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Chapter 11 The History of Cats

Well, you Humans have Adam and Eve, but we cats have 5 mothers.  Their names are legendary, Mitzy, Tricksy, Kitty, Mittens and Catty. These are revered names in Cat history.  It all started back in the Middle East maybe even Israel,  We cats are all descended from the African WildCat.  Well we cats are tamed, and not really domesticated, if you get my drift.
 So when you humans started to plant grain, and changing your lifestyle, we changed ours.  Before we lived in the forests, or out on the desert, catching lizards and other small reptiles.

As you know, when you harvest grain, you also attract rodents.  Well, we cats noticed that all the rodents were rushing to eat all this grain.  We cats don't like grain, but we do like mice!  The mice were getting rather fat having the easy life.  At that time, about 10,000 years ago, the mice were having a field day.  So Mitzy, Tricksy, Kitty, Mittens and Catty, followed the mice and started to live near human settlements.   Most of the time the cats came out at night to catch the mice.  At first, the humans chased us away and a few were caught and killed.  After a while though some cats decided that they wanted a good pet.  A scratch behind the ears is always best after breakfast, don't you think?  Well those ancient cats felt the same way.  So a few were brave enough to go to the children and get a good pet.  It is the same way today, you know?  I'm wild, and I come out when I feel like it.  We haven't changed our shapes or let humans grow up too big or too small, like dogs.  There are a lot of cats who don't like humans, that's ok too.  We cats like to sleep where it is warm, and a few of us snuggled up to you humans.  Its an equal relationship, you pet me, I'll keep the rats and mice away.  You give me milk and I get my meat by myself.  Give and take, that's the best!

All domestic cats, yes, even me are directly related to one of the five mothers.  We don't know who the fathers were, but you can be sure that there were more than a few.  

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Chapter 10 The Pigeon Show in Jerusalem right after the snow. A cat's view.

There was a pigeon show at the Central Bus station in Jerusalem. This is something that I could really sink my teeth into!   Can we open a cage?  NO? That ruins the fun!  Oh, well, I'll take a look around to see if there is anything interesting here,   There are very weird looking pigeons here! Wow! This one you can't even see where it's head is!  And its feathers look like hair!  Maybe that's where hair originally comes from, feathers.
I think it would be very funny looking if cats had feathers! How does it eat without getting dirty?  How can it fly?  Not that this pigeon ever ever learned to fly.  It sits in a cage all day long! 

This one looks more normal.  but it has a very long neck.  What it is an ugly swan wannabe?  I wonder how it would taste.  Of course the cage is very strong and I won't be able to get in.  But it is fun to dream! 

How would you like to meet this one on the street? How do you do? Oh, you have been living in a cage for a year?  Well I am free, I'm a cat.  Can't you come a little closer pigeon?  No?  You are afraid of me?  Yes, I see how that would be.  I'll go look at other birds now. Bye! 

Look at the tail on that one!  It is the Peacock of the  Pigeons!  Honk, Honk!  You don't say Honk?  Ahh, yes, pigeons coo.  but it is very quiet here.  You  all came from a Moshav?  Which one?  What you don't know! You have to know your address, then how can you ever get back home?  You are not a homing pigeon.  Sorry, I didn't know that.  I thought all pigeons were homing pigeons.  
Hey, Where is your head? Why do you have all those extra feathers?  You don't know?  They just grew there?  Well, at least you can see out! Not like the guy in the cage next door!  

Well, since all the cages are closed, it is not interesting for me here anymore. So I'll go.  I'll just have to dream about the pigeons.  See ya around!  

Tab short for Tablet, the Jerusalem Stray cat near you! 

Coco and The Glass Cat

 Today my owner brought home a glass cat. The glass cat is not such a nice cat.  She was brought to life by a magician and she is not soft, ...