Today my owner brought home a glass cat. The glass cat is not such a nice cat. She was brought to life by a magician and she is not soft, but doesn't mind to be pet. She doesn't catch mice. She is also snooty. But she can walk in water and fleas don't bother her at all! She has pink brains, "You can see 'em work, "she says all the time, and a red heart that beats. She's made of glass, and likes to sit in the sun to warm up. Of course if a human cI lomes around she just sits and does nothing. I like to do that sometimes too, but I'm not made of glass. I think that she is missing one of the great cat pleasures in life. Catching mice.
I like to find a secluded spot, hide and wait for the mouse to come out. They look cute when they are checking the scene for danger. I'm the danger, they are looking for but they don't see me! I'm black and I can hide in plain sight. That is when I'm quiet, they don't hear me nor see me. When the mouse finally comes out, the chase is on! I don't always catch them, sometimes they are too fast and get away. No problem, I always have cat food to eat. I sit next to the bowl and meow. The tall human hears me and gives me my food. It's not that bad, you know. I like the chicken, and tuna. But fresh mouse is the best. Sometimes I leave part for my human, it's the best, so the human should share with me, as she shares her tuna with me too.
I like ksitting in the sun, Since I'm black I can soak up the sun's ray in half the time! How good it feels!
A book that has a famous cat is by J.K. Rowling. The Complete Harry Potter Books
The Complete Harry Potter Series The whole series is not too expensive now. . .
So when the kids were little, the big Human mother used to read out loud five pages a night of Harry Potter, and I liked the cat. Crookshanks the best. I love his name. He gets to be a big part of the third book, He is a very smart cat, but doesn't say anything.
The Human mother also read fairy tales, Puss in Boots is my favorite. He tricks the troll to change himself into a mouse and catches him and eats him! That's the best!
The glass cat? She doesn't say a thing today. There's a human around watching her. . Shhhhhhh!