Thursday, April 24, 2014

Chapter 18 Happy Birthday William Shakespeare!

Happy Birthday William Shakespeare, born April 23 1564, but there is no actual record of his birth, but there is a document dated April 26, 1564 of his baptism of "Gulielmus filius Johannes Shakespere - William son of John Shakespere" - So the birthday is celebrated in Stratford-on-Avon and elsewhere on April 23rd.  I don't know why people are saying that it was April 24th. But as there was no documentation it could have been either date.  I have my dates from my grandmother's 1948 edition of "Shakespeare The Complete Works edited by G.B. Harrison.   Where do you get the other date from?  Wikipedia? 

 So, If you have been following this blog, then you might have guessed that the play Chocolate Point and Tabio is a parody of . . .  

Romeo and Juliet! 

The idea came to me as I was thinking about cultural norms and how even in the modern world there are some people who are prejudiced against other people. 

As we see in the 1600's this problem was very prevalent,  and William Shakespeare made fun of those people in his play "Romeo and Juliet."   Shakespeare was the parody and pun master of his time.  Even now when I read my grandmother's copy of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare, I laugh.  My children don't like me to read the plays out loud because of all the puns that they don't understand.  So to keep the playfulness of Shakespeare, and characters that children understand in the modern world, I am writing this lighthearted spoof for you and your family to enjoy. 

 My daughter and I like cats, real ones and stuffed ones, so we started making up stories, and then the idea hit me to write a play. This picture is of a stuffed cat that I didn't buy because the dark part of the fur feels painted on and is not soft to pet.  I will continue to look for a good model for Chocolate Point, and Tabio we are using the real Tab, a Jerusalem stray that sometimes comes to get pet, but even so, he is becoming more and more wild, and if he is with other street cats, he will often choose to stay with them and do wild cat thing, instead of coming with us to get pet. .  It is the life, so now I will only have the stuffed cats to pet.  They don't meow, scratch the furniture, pee in the house, don't have to buy them cat food, or change the litter box.  No matter! I want to pet a real cat every day!!!! 

Check out the next chapter of Chocolate Point and Tabio  sometime next week.   We will be up to Act 1 Scene 4, where the cats try on their costumes for the Party, and then Tabio and his gang crashes the Siamese party.  Will the fur fly?  Wait and see! 

Until then, 
You can go back and read the beginning of the play to refresh yourself with the action: 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Chapter 17 Chocolate Point and Tabio Act 1 Scene 3

The scene opens outside with the Street Cats. They are discussing an interesting piece of paper that Trashio found.  The weather is a bit cold and windy.

Enter Trashio, Daigo and Tabio

Trashio:  Hey guys, look what I found!

Daigo: Ah, you are always in the Trash, Trashio, what so is interesting about a piece of paper anyway. I can't read, so what?

Tabio: Hey let me see that! I used to live in a house where the Human mother used to read to the kids every day, so I got to know a bit of Human writing.

Trashio: Maybe I'll keep it to myself and let you cats keep on wondering!

Tabio: No really, I do know how to read.  Can you please let me see it?

Trashio:  Well, ok, but if you Daigo make one more crack about me finding things, I'll fight you!

Daigo: Rwow,,

Trashio:  Troww  Rgwo

Tabio: Hey you two stop your singing match.  Lets not fight now, I want to see this paper you found Trashio.

Trashio,: Ok, but if you don't want to go I'll go myself!

Tabio: Hey I thought that you didn't know how to read!

Trashio: You find a lot of neat stuff in the trash,  I found a book that teaches how to read, so there!

Tabio: So let me see it already!

Trashio gives the paper to Tabio

Tabio: Wow, now this is interesting, I bet you cats want to go to a party?

Daigo: A party?  Wow, with food and pretty kit kats?  I'm game.

Tabio: Yes, there will be a party at the Human Siamese breeder's place, you know that big mansion, and they are going to choose a male for Chocolate Point, the Siamese girl who just came of age.

Trashio: So what?  A human party.  That's no fun.  They always chase us cats otta that kind of thing.

Tabio: No, wait, there's more, listen to this!  "Please bring your cats dressed up in costume. There will be a cat parade, and the most interesting cat in costume will get a prize!"

Trashio:  Cats in costumes, cat costumes.  Yes!  I know just the place where I saw yesterday a pile of cat costumes just put out in the trash.  Come on guys, we have nothing to lose.  If we wear costumes, then we'll just blend into the party and we can crash it without anyone knowing that we are not Siamese!

Daigo:  Count me in, but make sure these costumes are clean.  I'm not going to go to a party smelling like garbage.

Trashio:  Yeah, I know.  I'm sorry for last time.  It was my fault.

Daigo: Now you tell me.

Tabio: Now boys, no fighting, remember?  We have to find these costumes and be ready for the party.  I wonder if Blackitha will be there? I really miss her.

Daigo: Hey Tabio, stop thinking about the past.  I saw her split. She was picked up by a human and taken away.  She seemed quite pleased at the time.

Tabio:  I didn't know that.  So, she's gone.

Trashio:  So, cheer up Tab, old boy, I bet there will be many other chicks at this party that would love to meet a strong, young male like you.

Tabio:  But she was the love of my life!

Trashio: Can't be helped, this type of thing always happens to us street cats, the humans take us, a car runs over a few, some get stuck in the trash.  Its the fact of life for us in the street, man.  Come on, we have to find those costumes and get ready to crash a party!

Daigo:  Yeah, lets scat cat.

Tabio: You're right Trashio. I'll just have to try to forget her, those eyes so dark and deep, I just wanted to look at her forever. Sigh.

Trashio:  Now Tabio, snap out of it.  We're going to this party to have a bit of fun, remember?
Come on. and stop your mooning.

Daigo: What is taking you two so long.  If you don't start moving I'm going to show you my claws.  I keep them nice and sharp.

Tabio: As we all do, Rwrrrrw

Trashio:  Now, now boys.

Exit Trashio, Daigo and Tabio

End of Scene 3

Previous Posts in Chocolate Point and Tabio:
Act 1 Scene 1 Act 1 Scene 2

If you like this play, then go to to find more of Rachael's books

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Chapter 16 Chocolate Point and Tabio A Play Act 1 Scene II

Act ! Scene II

Chocolate Powder - (mother of Chocolate Point) Both are Siamese Cats 
My daughter, with those blue eyes, What do you think about getting married? 

Chocolate Point: But Mother, I"m only 6 months old! I'm haven't even reached my full size. 

Chocolate Powder: Yes, my daughter, I see, but as pure bred Siamese, we can't be too careful. We will have to find you another pure-bred Siamese, Blue point for you, the best male cat we can find. 

Chocolate Point: Well, mother, if you think that is best?  But can't I just find a male cat on my own? 

Chocolate Powder: We Siamese are a very special breed of cat, we are descended from the Royal Cats of the Kingdom of Siam, who guarded the Royal Residence.  We have to keep ourselves pure, and only marry other Siamese cats. 

Chocolate Point: But what I I fall in love with a different breed of cat? 

Chocolate Powder, It is not done for our kind.  

Chocolate Point:  But why, Mother? 

Chocolate Powder: We must keep our pedigree, you see.  It is the most important part of our heritage. 
I'll tell you what, Our humans are going to have a party this coming Thursday evening, inviting all of their friends, also to choose a bridegroom for their daughter.  It will be a costume party, so we will have a cat costume party!  That way we can tell all the Siamese apart.  We look so much alike sometimes that even I had trouble telling the boys from the girls when you were all kittens, not so long ago! 

Chocolate Point:  Yes, mother, let's do have a cat costume party! Oh Nurse! Come help me choose a costume! I'm so excited, Mother, 

Chocolate Powder:  That's much better, I had better go choose a costume too! 

Chocolate Point: Thank you mother! 

Exit Chocolate Point and Chocolate Powder. 

End Scene II

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Coco and The Glass Cat

 Today my owner brought home a glass cat. The glass cat is not such a nice cat.  She was brought to life by a magician and she is not soft, ...