Act ! Scene II
Chocolate Powder - (mother of Chocolate Point) Both are Siamese Cats
My daughter, with those blue eyes, What do you think about getting married?
Chocolate Point: But Mother, I"m only 6 months old! I'm haven't even reached my full size.
Chocolate Powder: Yes, my daughter, I see, but as pure bred Siamese, we can't be too careful. We will have to find you another pure-bred Siamese, Blue point for you, the best male cat we can find.
Chocolate Point: Well, mother, if you think that is best? But can't I just find a male cat on my own?
Chocolate Powder: We Siamese are a very special breed of cat, we are descended from the Royal Cats of the Kingdom of Siam, who guarded the Royal Residence. We have to keep ourselves pure, and only marry other Siamese cats.
Chocolate Point: But what I I fall in love with a different breed of cat?
Chocolate Powder, It is not done for our kind.
Chocolate Point: But why, Mother?
Chocolate Powder: We must keep our pedigree, you see. It is the most important part of our heritage.
I'll tell you what, Our humans are going to have a party this coming Thursday evening, inviting all of their friends, also to choose a bridegroom for their daughter. It will be a costume party, so we will have a cat costume party! That way we can tell all the Siamese apart. We look so much alike sometimes that even I had trouble telling the boys from the girls when you were all kittens, not so long ago!
Chocolate Point: Yes, mother, let's do have a cat costume party! Oh Nurse! Come help me choose a costume! I'm so excited, Mother,
Chocolate Powder: That's much better, I had better go choose a costume too!
Chocolate Point: Thank you mother!
Exit Chocolate Point and Chocolate Powder.
End Scene II
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