This week, something interesting is going on in Jerusalem and I think also in the rest of the world, but I'm not sure, of course. In the evenings everyone lights these lights and some are outside lit with oil. Here is a picture of one of them. Each day there is a new light. I like to go close and look at them, but the glass boxes are too hot to touch Yup, I found out the hard way. But don't worry, I'm not hurt.
There is one family that I go to for food. They gave me this stuff that has cheese and tomatoes, starts with a p sound. I don't know, it was ok. but not the best. I like milk and tuna the best. I have a special place outside that I sleep, under a few different bushes.
So I'm told that this is called Chanuka. (however you spell it!). The thing is that my humans that I like to have pet me have not been coming out in the morning. I'm not sure for how long, because for a few days, it was very cold in the morning, and I just couldn't get up and go over there to check. But they have been coming out in the afternoon now. Can't they make up their minds? There is less vroomy things in the neighborhood now, and many more kids on bicycles and roller skates. Most people don't like us cats, but some do. So I have different families that I go to for different reasons.

I'm called Tab, you may think that is short for Tabby, but the boy named me Tab short for Tablet. Computer. But because I'm a mix of brown and black, I can hide under a bush and most likely no one will see me. This is great for catching mice and rats. I like to chase them, and eat them! That's why you don't see many when I'm around. Of course, I don't mind the milk and tuna either. I have a different name in Cat, but you humans can't pronounce it so I won't bother to tell you. So there!
This holiday, the kids are around all the time, so I stay clear except for the two families that I like. I'll see you around. Sometime. You might think that you have tamed me, but it is really the other way around!
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