I am very upset. My owner just bought a ROBOT CAT! https://www.joyforall.com Here you can see me in the video checking out this machine. It is soft, meows, moves one paw and lies down on it's back. She even gave it a name!! Silver! What kind of person names a ROBOT? The robot lives in the box, and she takes it out to pet! Why doesn't she pet me????
All the time, the robot cat. It is not alive!
But it doesn't bite or scratch, it has no claws!
How can I deal with this intruder?
How can I get it go back out?
Thanks for your help!
Being replaced
Dear Rep,
Well, I feel for you my friend. Ever since Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, humans have been busy inventing all sorts of things that run on electricity. They cook with it, use the light, run computers, and play music. There is an example with musicians. Before the record player (that runs on electricity) there was a big demand for musicians to play music live. They could get jobs performing in restaurants, dances and concerts. But now with music being on-line, live musicians are not needed. Maybe this is what will happen to us cats with the advent of Robot cats like this one.
https://www.joyforall.com These robots are soft, and don't make the mess that us cats do. Maybe in some situations it is better for the human to have one of these cats. But remember my furry, meowing friend, if you want your human to love you, don't bite or scratch. I know that it is instinct, but they just want to feel you purr.
Is that such a bad thing?
Good Luck,
Miss Kitty
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