Yes, even us "Wild Cats" play with string! I will chase anything that moves, and my humans found this green shoelace thing, and when I get tired of being petted, which is not very often, you know, I will play with the string! There it goes again! Let me catch it! Ah, that's great. Can I get it again? I could do this for hours, well maybe not hours, but it is almost as good as catching a mouse, I can get it over and over. Mice, well, most of the time, they don't come back for seconds!
When I feel safe enough I'll also give myself a bath. Usually I don't bother, dirt doesn't show up on me, cause I'm already black and tan, as you can see. But then the small sized human said that I was dirty so I got down to business! It is hard to reach all the itchy parts, especially on the neck, so that's what I need humans for!
Whoa! What is that? I see a dog! What is a dog doing in this neighborhood! I can't take a bath now! I have to watch that dog. Oh, it is on a leash. That's a a long string for dogs. We cats don't need that sort of things, we come and go as we please. No, don't even think of putting something on my neck! Rworw! Hiss.
When I feel safe enough I'll also give myself a bath. Usually I don't bother, dirt doesn't show up on me, cause I'm already black and tan, as you can see. But then the small sized human said that I was dirty so I got down to business! It is hard to reach all the itchy parts, especially on the neck, so that's what I need humans for!

Oh, you don't want to pet me now? Because of a little hiss? I good now, no hard feelings. Hey, put out your fist, I want to pet myself on you? What you have to do? But, but but. Well if you insist. I'll follow you a bit.
Humm, what's this? Little brown bird with a long tail. Where did you come from? Nachalelli? You say, long name for such a little bird. Whoops, you are too fast for me to catch. Good riddance.
Hey, where did the human go? I'm getting used to these humans. They are sort of fun to have around. I'll just have to remember to come out to them on time again tomorrow. See Ya!
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